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Rice Purity Test

Rice Purity Test: Global Average Scores and Statistical Analysis 2024

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The Rice Purity Test has become a viral phenomenon, with millions of people worldwide taking this self-assessment quiz. But what's the average score? Let's dive into the fascinating statistics and trends behind this popular online test.

Rice Purity Test: Global Average Scores and Statistical Analysis 2024

What is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is a 100-question survey that measures your life experiences and "innocence level." Originally created at Rice University, it has evolved into a social media sensation, especially on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

Global Average Scores

As of 2024, the worldwide average Rice Purity Test score is 63.98. Here's what different score ranges typically mean:

  • 97-94: Extremely pure, minimal life experiences

  • 93-77: Above average purity

  • 76-45: Average range

  • 44-9: Below average purity

  • 8-0: Extremely low purity (rare)

Learn more about score interpretations

Score Breakdown by Demographics

Age Groups

  • Teens (13-19): Average 70-100

  • Young Adults (20-29): Average 40-80

  • Adults (30+): Average 20-70

Gender Differences

  • Males: Typically score 30-70

  • Females: Typically score 40-80

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Regional Variations

Different regions show interesting patterns in Rice Purity Test scores:

North America

  • Urban areas: 30-70

  • Rural areas: 50-90


  • Average range: 30-80

  • Varies by country and cultural norms


  • Average range: 50-90

  • Generally higher scores due to conservative cultural values

Check regional trends

Factors Affecting Scores

Several key factors influence Rice Purity Test scores:

  1. Cultural Background

  2. Age

  3. Location

  4. Social Environment

  5. Personal Values

Learn about score factors

Taking the Test

Want to compare your score to these averages? Here's how:

  1. Visit a reliable Rice Purity Test website

  2. Answer all 100 questions honestly

  3. Get your score instantly

  4. Compare with global averages

Take the test now

FAQs About Rice Purity Test Scores

Q: What's considered a "good" score? A: There's no "good" or "bad" score - it's just a reflection of your experiences.

Q: Do scores change over time? A: Yes, scores typically decrease as people gain more life experiences.

Q: Are the statistics accurate? A: These statistics are based on self-reported data from multiple sources.


The Rice Purity Test continues to fascinate people worldwide, with scores varying significantly across different demographics and regions. Remember, your score is just a number - it doesn't define your character or worth.

Learn more about the test's history

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